Nearly two-thirds of migrants left Russia

Nearly two-thirds of foreigners left Russia, and 8.1 million foreigners were deported in the wake of the crisis in Russia. This was in Moscow, said Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service Ekaterina Egorova. «Thus, it is protected priority right to employment Russians», – she said, adding that not all citizens are deprived of the fraternal countries have returned home – there is even more acute crisis, experts say. According to her, staying in Russia, they are forced either to work illegally for a penny, or go to the «high road».
According to official figures, last year 13,5 million foreigners lived in Russia. Through the efforts of the FSB and other agencies for seven months, the number fell to 5.4 million people. From them only one third work officially. FMS does not deny that the temptation to use foreign labor to Russia’s employers are still great. Since the quota for issuing work permits to foreigners have been reduced by half since the beginning of the year, many companies invite them to work illegally. In this regard, since the beginning of the year was instituted 267 criminal cases (34% more than in 2008). The criminal investigation into fake immigration documents were brought more than three times (1229 cases).Works of 4 thousand companies were stopped by court order. 23 thousand migrants were deported to their homeland. The state fined employers with a total of 1,2 billion rubles. Currently, the quota for foreign labor is almost exhausted, but willing to come to Russia for a better share will not be reduced, experts say.
