Khojaly genocide included into project Polynational War Memorial in Switzerland

Khojaly massacre has been included into the archival project Polynational War Memorial established in Switzerland on the initiative of Justice for Khojaly campaign, press service of the Organization of Islamic Conference Youth Forum told APA. Citing to the official website of the campaign, the project published the list of the people killed by Armenian armed forces in Khojaly and regarded the tragedy as the most terrible mascara of the 20th century.

Among the literature and resources the official website of the Justice for Khojaly campaign ( has been used on the website and the website has been diverted to the official website of the campaign. The list of the Khojaly tragedy victims has been published, detailed information is given about the massacre and Nagorno Karabakh war. Khojaly massacre is mentioned among the genocides and massacres committed in Algeria, Srebrenitsa, Darfur, Madagascar, Nigeria, Rwanda and Vietnam.

The project contains the list of the victims of wars, genocides and massacres after the World War II, as well as review on those events, photos and facts. The list was drawn by the human rights institutions, scientists, international and non-governmental organizations and researchers. Series of exhibitions and workshops are organized throughout the world within this project to inform the people.

It is planned to build memorial complex in Stockholm, Sweden, which will include university, museum, library, archive, memorial parks and other components to perpetuate the memory of the tragedy victims. The Justice for Khojaly campaign submitted to the project organizers its proposals to open Khojaly Genocide section in the complex.

The Justice for Khojaly campaign was declared on the initiative of the Senior Coordinator of the Youth Forum of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Leila Aliyeva on May 8, 2008.

It is scheduled to organize various exhibitions, conferences and peaceful actions in more than 30 countries on February 26, 2010 and effective campaign is continued to inform the world community about the crime against humanity committed in Khojaly and to give legal-political and spiritual value to this event.