Voice of Karabakh # 62

Iliya II, The Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia:
“Your achievements in the development of friendship between the peoples living in the South Caucasus and Black Sea areas are invaluable. There are a number of common issues of concern to both Azerbaijan and Georgia. One of them – a violation of the territorial integrity of both countries. South Osetian and Abkhazhia are integral parts of Georgia. Developments in these territories have been created artificially. I hope that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and Georgia will necessarily restore. If we want peace in the Caucasus, the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and Georgia should be restored”.
From the statement of the international conference “Inter-religious dialogue: from mutual understanding towards joint cooperation in Baku, 7 November 2009

Esenjol ALIYAROV, President of the Kazakh humanitarian and political situation center:
“Kazakhstan has always advocated and continues to advocate for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Kazakhstan, who will chair the OSCE in 2010, will make every effort that this issue is resolved in the legal field. I think that the OSCE will use its international experience, its influence, proceeding from the position that its principle – the preservation of the territorial integrity of any state of the modern world. Any redistribution of the border is a wave of violence in other regions. Since the whole entire world community recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, will proceed from the fact that this issue be resolved in favor of your state”.
From an interview with ECHO, Baku, November 6, 2009

Terry DAVIDSON, Public Relations Officer of the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan:
U.S. understands that this is very important issue (Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict issue – edi.) for Azerbaijani people. Washington is making efforts for peaceful and fair solution to this conflict and supports peaceful solution within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attach great importance to this issue”.
From the statement of the mass- media in Ganja, November 5, 2009

Ekmeleddin IHSANOGLU, Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference:
“Resolutions on the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan were adopted at the 36th meeting of foreign ministers of the OIC member states in Damascus. The resolutions envisage providing economic assistance to Azerbaijan in connection with the Armenian aggression. The resolutions have condemned the destruction of Islamic cultural and historical monuments in the occupied Azerbaijani territory by Armenians. The destruction of mosques and the burning of forests by the Armenians in the occupied Azerbaijani territories is great mistake. As its firm and principled position, the OIC has condemned the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan and would continue its solidarity with Azerbaijan on the conflict with Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh. Organization of the Islamic Conference, which is the second largest organization in the world after the U.N, considers that, for the solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, should stick to the international law and regulations. International laws as well as those resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council on this conflict have clearly reaffirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and also the inviolability of international borders and the inadmissibility of the use of force for the acquisition of territory”.
From the statement during the participation in the Baku conference on dialogue among civilizations, November 7, 2009

Suleyman Jafarzadeh, Chairman of social affairs commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran:
“Azerbaijan and Iran – two brotherly countries and their relations are developing at a very high level. Iran supports solution to Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the framework of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity”.
From the statement during a visit to Azerbaijan, Baku, November 9, 2009

John Desmond Forbes Anderson VEYVERLI, Member of the House of Lords of Great Britain, Lord:
“The UK recognizes and supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We also advocate a peaceful solution to the problem. Armenian armed forces should be shortly withdrawn from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis – to return to their land. Involved in solving this problem, the OSCE Minsk Group should propose a specific model, or else step aside”.
From the statement in the Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan, Baku, November 23, 2009

Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh
Felix Tsertsvadze. Formation of myths (beginning in the previous issues)
Mr Pariyants (INL), claimed that 1,5 million Armenians became “…tragic victims during 1915 -1923”, in an article “90 years of sorrow” of April, 22-28, 2005, referring to Mr. Kris Zakyan,a head of press relations department of Eastern-American Eparchy of Armenian church. Furthermore mournful advertisements published in different newspapers and calling for the mass-meeting on April, 24, 2005 in Times-Square in New-York also claimed that “…1, 500.000 Armenians were annihilated during 1915-1923…”
Such dissents of lobbyists voluntarily or not confirm the fact that former allegations of Armenian propaganda on the death of 1, 5 millions of Armenians in 1915 are nothing but a myth. (An author relates himself to those holding the opinion that about 40 thousands Turks and other Muslims and 400 thousands Armenians and other Christians were killed in intercommunal conflicts of 1915. Moreover it should be also regarded that Turkey was at the same time involved into military operations caused by a) world war, b) civil war, c) instigation by England and Russia responsible for events of 1915 in Turkey, including mass loss of peaceful Turkish citizens regardless of nationality and religion).
This is the way how myths concerning Armenia are forming. We also displayed interest how this “mythical” theme was reflected in the main editions not only in weekly publications as INL referring to “yellow” press. Here is the result.
The first source. “Soviet encyclopedia, Moscow, 1987
ARMENIA –I-III B.C.ruled by Akhemenids and Selevkids. Since Ist A.D. it became struggle object between Rome and Parfia. III-IV A.D. it was dependent from Iran, and then divided by Iran and Byzantium. VII-XV A.D. it was ruled by Arabs, Byzantium, Seljuks, Mongol-Tatars, Timur. XVI-XVIII A.D. it was divided between Iran and Turkey. In 1805-1828 Eastern Armenia joined Russia (Erivan government). Dashnaks occupied it in 1917, and then Anglo-Turkish troops invaded. Soviet power was established since 1920. Armenian SSR was formed (some selected data necessary for investigation is given here and further- Author`s comment.)
GREAT ARMENIA – ancient Armenian state (VI B.C- 387 yy. A.D.) It was divided between Persia and Byzantium in 387.
SMALL ARMENIA — a region in the upper reaches of Euphrates. It joined Great Armenia at the end of the 1st century A.D.
Mythology and simple misinformation are in blossom in this soviet encyclopedia edition. You can see it yourself: from the one hand, authors confirm that “Armenia was divided between Persia and Byzantium in 387 yy., i.e. in IV A.D”. Yet on the other hand contradict to own words: “Armenia was divided between Iran and Turkey in XVI-XVIII A.D”. It is an obvious disrespect towards the reader relied on his lack of information. Iran is an assignee of Persia; Turkey is an assignee of Byzantium on the whole small Caucasus, including Ancient Armenia, which stopped existence since XIV century, more exactly since 1375. Armenians turned into Turkish citizens, with Turkey absorbing and dissolving the last Armenian asylum in Anatolia, viz Kilikia. So, nobody divided anything in Asia Minor in XVI-XVIII centuries, as there was nothing to divide. Ancient Armenia (named as Armenia, Great Armenia, Small Armenia, Armenian Kilikia, etc in different sources) did not even exist to the moment.
“In 1805-1828 Eastern Armenia (Erivan government) joined Russia”
Here authors used incorrect and illegitimate term “Eastern Armenia” to the territory of Iravan khanate of Azerbaijan, marked by Russian Tsar Nikolay I for formation of so called “Armenian region” after the conquest of these territories. These lands were meant for future immigrants, Turkish Armenians. Armenian lobby introduced term “Eastern Armenia” for readers and researchers for a long time to create illusions on Armenian presence and legitimacy of formation of future Armenian state on native Azerbaijan territories instead of lost in Turkey. The term “Erivan government” is total misinformation. Russia could not conquer its own governments. It is nonsense. Russia conquered the territories of Azerbaijan khanates including Iravan, Iraq, vassal of Persia during the wars with Persian troops. It would be naïve to consider that Persians named their lands in Russian manner –governments.
It is not yet the end.
(to be continued)

“Armenia: secrets of terrorist “Christian” state”
Samuel A.Weems The great series of Armenian frauds
Vol. I (beginning in previous flimsies)
These were exactly the acts of Armenians within the Ottoman borders that caused their removal by the Ottomans when Ottomans attempted to save their country in 1915. Any country at that time would have done the same under the circumstances. The Armenians alleged genocide when they joined the Russians in attempting to overthrow the Ottomans and the Ottomans reacted to defend their country. When the Armenians attempted to do the same thing to Georgia and Georgians reacted to defend their country, Georgians were justified. There is no record of “genocide” allegations by Armenians leveled against Georgia. Same agitation and betrayal by Armenians in two neighboring countries; same reaction to Armenians by both countries, and yet Armenians label one “genocide”, the other “justified”.
“Georgia was actually teeming with so many thousands of refugees that her economic welfare was in jeopardy. These people roved in lawless, looting bands, stealing, marauding and spreading contagion. It was incumbent upon the Georgian government to protect its citizenship by sealing the borders” (P 68 from the book of Hovannissian). There is no logical reason why this statement could not be extended to read that it was incumbent upon the Ottoman government to protect its citizenship by sealing the borders. But that would refute the Armenian allegations of genocide, and it would be the plain truth.
This was a time when the Armenian dictator government leaders coveted land claimed by (1) the Ottomans, (2) Georgia, and (3) Azerbaijan. The Armenians had taken sides against the Ottomans and their people paid a terrible price for it. Now, after the war, Armenian leaders schemed to obtain land from each of its neighbors – for free. When the Nationalist Turkish movement began, the Armenian people again paid a price. The same would happen with Armenian land grabbing attempts from both Georgia and Azerbaijan.
For years Armenian leaders fanned the flames of religious hostility between Christians and Muslims. But the true motive was to take land from someone else – for free. This is nothing more than intolerance of non-Christians and continues to this day as Armenia attacked and took possession of 20 percent of neighboring Azerbaijan claiming to be fighting the cause of Christ by riding the area of more than 1 million Muslims. This is the region of Karabakh. It is worthwhile to examine the Armenians view of this land in 1918. It is also interesting to note Russian statistics for 1916 show that Muslims outnumbered Armenians two to one in the gubernia (Province). As a result, the Armenian population in mountains and plains was not made as an absolute majority.
Hovannissian justifies the sneak attack as follows:
Karabakh formed the eastern most component of the Armenian Plateau and, rising several thousand feet above sea level, contrasted sharply with the Azerbaijani steppe land far below. This mountain fastness, rich in mineral deposits, forests, and alpine pastures and renowned for its honey, beeswax, silk and leather products, provided Armenia a natural frontier and guarded the routes of descent to the Araxes valley and the plain of Ararat. Without Karabakh the physical unity of Armenia would be destroyed and equally important, the major barrier between the Muslims of Azerbaijan and the Turkish people of the Ottoman Empire would be eliminated (P 80)
(to be continued)

National Heroes of Azerbaijan
Accurate Sagittarius, skilful scout
He was the father of nine children who loved and always tried to divide equally between them, this father’s love. And in his heart he cherished a dream for every desired child individually. But, alas, the Armenian treachery has not allowed to be carried out these sacred desires…
Bakhsheish Khanahmed oglu Pashayev was born May 1, 1936 in the Ahmedavar village of Aghdam district of Azerbaijan. After graduating in 1954 Aghdam Agricultural College, he started his career as a mechanic in the Aghdam horse-breeding farm, and later began working as a driver in the same farm. His hard work earned praise and respect in a collective and a large family by their honest labor. A simple but happy life of this rural family in a natural channel, but the time has come when it was turned into a disturbing and unsafe due to bandit attacks have become permanent Armenian separatists, who were not given the head of the family quietly continue their careers do tend to take care of the family. A murder of Armenians in February 1988 of two Aghdam teenagers – Ali and Bakhtiyar – was too much exasperated Bakhsheish. Engaged in a national movement, begun in protest against the so-called “Armenian Movement” for the transfer of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, he began to play a greater role in preventing the frequent onslaught of Armenians in the Azerbaijani settlements, provision of food in remote villages, the displacement of people in more safe places.
B. Pashayev was considered the most active fighter of unit “Falcon-defenders of Karabakh”. During continuation of occupational action of the Armenian armed gangs in the territories of Azerbaijan, this unit carried out many successful operations to destroy militant groups and disabling enemy military equipment. Bakhsheish showed real courage in the operation to clean up the Khromort village by Armenian militants. This courageous patriot fighter nicknamed “aksakal” (i.e. “elder”), was accurate Sagittarius and skilled scout. He has repeatedly been on the reconnaissance in the Farrukh, Aranzamin, Nakhichivanik, Khanabad villages and got very important information, which ensured the success of all operations, carried out in these villages. He was conductor of the Azerbaijani helicopter pilots who have successfully completed an operation to destroy of weapon emplacement of Armenians in Shushakend April 10, 1992. Bakhsheish, risking own life, showed great selflessness to the withdrawal of the survivors of Khojaly people during the bloody events in Khojaly.
July 12, 1992, enemy forces launched an attack on the Khanabad village. In response, the detachment B. Pashayev carried a powerful attack and took 7 Armenian posts. Due to the sudden onslaught of armed bandits were in a hopeless situation. In this battle, they were subjected to significant losses in manpower. Suddenly a bullet from the enemy’s side took the life of a brave son of Azerbaijan people…
And many dreams of Bakhsheish about their children did not come true…
On December 8, 1992, Bakhsheish Khanahmed oglu Pashayev was posthumously conferred the honorary title of the National Hero of Azerbaijan by the decree of the President of Azerbaijan.
Ashes of the hero lie on the Alley of Martyrs in the Aghdam city, which is now under the Armenian occupation.

Armenia by no means betray his ruse, how many UN will call it to be clever
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon made the message on the occasion of the 6 November – International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict.
In the message it is told: “More than thirty years since the massive defoliation campaigns of the Viet Nam War, and nearly twenty since the extensive pollution caused by the destruction of 600 oil wells in Kuwait at the end of the first Gulf War, the environment continues to fall victim to armed conflict worldwide. Decades of protracted conflict in the Gaza Strip, for example, have so severely affected groundwater supplies upon which 1.5 million Palestinians depend for drinking and agriculture that those supplies are in danger of imminent collapse.
Furthermore, in at least 18 conflicts since 1990, natural resources have played a significant role. In Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, diamonds, timber and gold have been exploited by armed groups to finance and prolong conflicts. The consequences for the environment and development have been devastating”.
Noting in his message that, despite the fact that, while the environment and natural resources enjoy protection under several important international legal instruments – such as the Geneva Conventions – the implementation and enforcement of these instruments remains very weak. There are few international mechanisms to monitor infringements or address claims for environmental damage sustained during warfare, secretary general stressed the very low efficiency of the implementation and enforcement of these documents.
“Because the environment and natural resources are crucial for building and consolidating peace, it is urgent that their protection in times of armed conflict be strengthened. There can be no durable peace if the natural resources that sustain livelihoods are damaged or destroyed”, – is told in the message.
Next come the calls of the UN secretary general to the Member States to clarify and expand international law on environmental protection in times of war, noted existing legal instruments should be adapted to reflect the predominantly internal nature of today’s armed conflicts. We need also to consider mechanisms for monitoring violations and recommending sanctions and actions for enforcement, recovery and compensation.
The message comes to the end with words: “On this International Day, let us renew our commitment to preventing the exploitation of the environment in times of conflict and to protecting the environment as a pillar of our work for global peace and sustainable development”.
Yes, a sore point touched on the UN secretary general, although not even mentioned the long and bloody conflict in the Caucasus, including the Armenian-Azerbaijan, caused an incorrigible loss to the environment.
It is known that the notorious “Armenian movement” for the accession originally Azeri Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, which began in the late 80’s of last century, subsequently became an undeclared war against Azerbaijan, which continues to this day. As a result of this unjust war, the latter suffered irreparable physical, material, moral, etc. loss. One fifth of Azerbaijani territory occupied by armed gangs of Armenia, only from the Azerbaijani side killed over 20 thousand people, destroyed about 900 settlements, and the entire infrastructure in the region, completely plundered and put out about 6000 industrial, agricultural and other enterprises, in the Azerbaijan territories occupied by Armenia there was 1891 objects of Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage, including the 738 monuments, 28 museums, 4 art galleries, 14 memorial, 1107 cultural complexes, 9 historical palaces, plundered 40 thousand museum values and exhibits, most of which have unique historical value, gold and silverware, rare and precious jewelry stones, carpets and other manual and applied character, pillaged and burned 927 libraries destroyed 4,6 million books and invaluable hand-written editions. There have fallen into decay and neglect of 4366 social facilities and health services objects, including 690 secondary schools, 855 pre-schools, 4 sanatorium-medical complexes, 490 hospitals and other objects of public health services, plundered and destroyed 150 thousand houses and apartments with a total area of 9.1 million square meters.
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has served not only the illegal exploitation of the environment, and even to its destruction. Separatist-terrorist regime in the occupied territories has created all necessary conditions for the illegal cultivation, production, transportation and sale of narcotics. There is evidence that in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan separatists established the burial places of nuclear and radioactive waste of Metsamor nuclear power plant.
All the national historical, architectural and cultural monuments were burned, destroyed, are in a sad state, hundreds of religious objects – churches and mosques, cemeteries are profaned.
In the Armenian-occupied territories were 2 national parks and 4 state reserves, 280 thousand hectares of forests, as well as more than 200 paleontological, fauna and geological monuments of nature. Armenian aggressors carried out a systematic policy of ecocide of the nature of Azerbaijan. In all the occupied territories by Armenian aggressors was held policy of “scorched earth and ethnic cleansing.” As a result of massive deforestation and other valuable trees in volume of millions cubic meters, condition of biodiversity has come to a critical note in the forests of occupied areas began the process of erosion and desert. Armenia caused massive environmental damage not only to Azerbaijan, but also the region as a whole. From its part are polluted with harmful substances and waste transboundary rivers. Derived from crop rotation and have declined more than 1 million hectares of agricultural lands, including 127,700 ha of irrigated land and 34,600 hectares of vineyards and orchards. As a result of destruction of irrigation systems in the occupied zone, hundred thousand hectares of land were left without irrigation, and almost withdrawn from the economic circulation.
In the occupied territories the Armenian invaders, carry out a policy of barbarous operation and devastation of mineral resources of region. Mineral resources of the occupied territories, extractions at 2 gold-bearing, 4 mercury, 2 chromite, 1 lead-zinc, 1 copper and 1 antimony deposits, are taken out for concentrating enterprises of Armenia, which was the cause the destruction of the natural landscape of that region of Azerbaijan.
No, it is impossible to cover the entire amount of damage to the environment of Azerbaijan by Armenia. A UN calls to protect the environment. Calls whom? Armenia? Yes, thousands of such calls, including the UN secretary general’s appeal, it turns a deaf ear. Identifying with a certain idea of the Azerbaijani proverb, one might: Armenia by no means betray his ruse, how many UN will call it to be clever! It is necessary to drum such things into its head!

Soothing words and nothing real
Over one and a half ten years under the aegis of the Minsk Group (MG), the OSCE is continuing negotiations to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict. Since that time, the staff of Co-Chairs of MG from the U.S, Russia and France changed several times. During this time the heads of the authoritative international organizations, their special representatives, reporters, observers, presidents and heads of the Foreign Ministry co-chairs, etc. is changed. And almost all of them are directly or indirectly, had a relationship with the named conflict.
And it, this conflict, remained completely unchanged, that is so, in what condition was still seventeen years ago. No, absolutely not from the above it follows that none of the international structures, none of the heads of the leading countries of the world, some diplomats finger does not hit in the above-mentioned resolution of the conflict. It would be dishonest to say like that. They held numerous meetings and conversations, made countless statements on the table there are several resolutions adopted at the UN, PACE, OIC, declarations, the various offers of MG, etc.
Along with all this the fact remains: one-fifth of Azerbaijan’s territory remains under Armenian occupation, the whole land, except for small-scale part of the Nagorno-Karabakh (NK), turned into ruins, devastated, rendered useless more than a million innocent people, expelled from their homes as a result of Armenian aggression, continue to bear the heavy burden of a refugee and internally displaced person.
And this immutability brightest manifests itself in the background “activity” above structures and individuals, and especially Co-Chairs, one foot of which is always here. Frequent visits by the latter became too straight in the submission with the same scenario – a meeting with the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, after each of which sounds about the same co-chairs statement read: “We are satisfied with the position of President, they have agreed to another meeting”, and after meetings between the presidents – “Presidents was held in a constructive way, there is some shift forward, but we are far from signing any documents”. That way, each time for one and a half decades: soothing words, but in the real result – still nothing.
Why it so? Why “efforts” of international structures and high-ranking diplomats do not give the real results? You know, this futility will continue for a long time and this has a simple explanation. Not all points are placed on i, while the perpetrator of the underlying cause of the whole explosion in the South Caucasus (i.e. Armenia, with its aggressive intentions) is not named for as long as the aggressor (again, Armenia) and the victim of aggression (i.e. Azerbaijan) are put in one row, while “foreign affairs specialists” continue to adhere to the position “parties themselves must find a common language” (?! – edi.), the situation has not moved for the better.
Interestingly, both MG Co-Chairs and other representatives of international organizations always repeat about some “success stories” about “only a few remaining details”, as the way, said the other day Peter Semnebi, EU Special Representative for South Caucasus: “There was a lot, and these achievements can not be lose”.
That’s just we do not see where these “achievements”, “shift forward” and so on, if there is no also a centimeter released from the occupation of land, if more than one million people are being dragged wandering life, and their native lands are still in ruins yes in ruins?

Sadi NURIYEV, doctor of philology. Rauf HUSEYNOV, doctor of historical sciences
Historically, wandering through various countries of east and west, visiting virtually everywhere – from Europe to Asia Minor, the Armenians who have lost their kingdom, appeared in the first third of the XIX century in the Caucasus, formed here in 1918, and its statehood. They are able to adjust to any inhabitancy, which proved the will of fate, and in residing zones, of course, contacting with local and other nations to adopt and took from them everything they could.
Some have taken away land from others perceive writing, from the third – the alphabet, the fourth Armenianized cultural ancient monuments, “forgetting” that appeared on this territory recently. Even their surnames are mostly borrowed from others. And these, non-Armenian descent, and Armenianized with one suffix names, semantically meaningful, but not in the Armenian and other languages. Generally, Armenians created their surnames on a simple principle: to be borrowed from various on-delivery personal names they are habitual with their national easily, add “yan” and received his surname. That’s their whole word-formative “wisdom”, although in this case, the “yan” has no Armenian origin: it is – borrowed and Parthian (Iranian) items suffix meaning belonging to a particular genus; for example “Nersesyan” – “a kind of Nersesa”. In this connection, the place to note that the Parthian origin of the names Ashot, Arshak, Rapen, Suren, Anush; Sassanidsy (also Iranian) – Khosrov, Anushavan (Anushiravan) Narses (Narse). Even the name of God and the name of the cross in Armenia – borrowed. God in Armenian “Astvats”, it – very conformable Zoroastrian Astvat – the supreme deity; khach in Armenian – is Udin, i.e. Albanian khash – “moon,” “light, radiance”. At the same time, we note that in modern Udin, one of 26 Albanian tribes, particularly the use of words directly related to the toponym ARTZAKH as referred to the Nagorno-Karabakh. Udinsky “Artzi” means “settled”, “people leading sedentary lifestyles”; it – from the verb “artsesun” – “sit, sit down”. Artsakh is formed from the basis “Artzi” and formative multiplicity “-ah”, characteristic for the Caucasian languages. In Dagestan, Chechnya, Azerbaijan, many place names, with formants-ah-ih-uh,-oh,-eh. For example, Mamruh, Katekh, Kumukh, Botlikh, Urkarah, Antsukh, Chirakh, Khindakh. A number can be prolonged.
The same tradition, to put it mildly, loans continued. We do not touch the surnames, having western roots. The following is a list of several dozen Armenian surnames of eastern origin – Turkic, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Persian, Jewish, etc. (Added italics – our – edi.)
Avazyan – (Persian, Arabic) Avez – replacement
Agadjanyan – (Turkic) Aga – mister + (Persian) Djan – soul, darling
Agakhanyan – (Turkic) Aga – mister + Khan – ruler
Agayan – (Turkic) Aga – mister.
Agasyan – (Turkic) Agasi – mister, chief
Adilyan – (Arabic) Adil – epithet of Muslim rulers, just
Azadyan – (Turkic) free
Arazyan – (Azerbaijan) Araz – happiness
Aramyan – (Persian) Aram – peace, comfort
Arvandyan – (Persian) Arvand – quick, rapid
Arzuyan – (Persian) Arzu – dream, hope
Asadyan – (Arabic) Asad – the happiest
Asafyan – (arab.name of ancient Jews), Asaf – the one who is added by god
Asgaryan – (Arabic) Asgar – junior, the truncated surname of Aliasgar
Atabekyan – (Turkic) Ata – a father, a senior, holy + Bek – mister, chief over beks
Atakhanyan – (Turkic) Ata – a father, a senior, holy + Khan – ruler
Afsaryan – (Persian) Afsar – a wreath, crown
Arshadyan – (Arabic) Arshad – senior
Arshakyan – (ancient Iranian) Arshak – man, courageous
Akhverdiyan – (Arabic, Turkic.) God + Verdi – gave
Azaryan – (Persian) Azar – fire, (Azeri) illness
Allaverdiyan – (Arabic, Turkic.) Allah + Verdi
Ahadyan – (Arabic) Ahad – only
Ashrafyan – (Arabic) Ashraf – the noblest, the honorable
Ashuryan (Ashurov) – (Persian) Ashura – the tenth day of Muharram month
Ayazyan – (Persian) Ayaz – a cool breeze, zephyr
Arslanyan – (Turkic), Arslan – lion
Alikhanyan – (Arabic) Ali – the highest, mighty + (Turkic) Khan – ruler
Alibekyan – (Arabic) Ali + (Turkic) Bek
Altunyan – (Turkic) Altun – gold
Azizyan – (Arabic) Aziz – the great, expensive, strengthener
Azadyan – (Persian) Azad – noble, free
Atayan – (Turkic) Ata – a father, a senior, holy
Atamyan – also from the Turk word Ata (Atama – my father)
Abdalbekyan – (Arabic) Abdal – short surname of Abdullah + (Turkic) Bek
Agabekyan – (Turkic) Aga + Bek
Agambekyan – (Turkic) Aga – my mister + Bek
Garahanyan – (Turkic) Gara – mighty, strong, great + Khan – ruler
Gahramanyan – (Persian) Gahraman – master, hero
Kalantaryan – (Persian) Galandar – homeless, renouncing the world, a wandering dervish
Kocharyan – (Azeri) Kochari – nomadic
Khanzadyan – (Turkic) Khan – ruler + (Persian) Zade – descendant
Khosrovyan – (Persian) Khosrov – good rumor
Khudaverdiyan – (Azeri) + Khuda + Verdi – the charisma
Chilingaryan – (Azeri) Chilingar – locksmith
Shirinyan – (Persian) Shirin – sweet
Yuzbashyan – (Turkic) Yuz – a hundred + Bashi – the head, the sotnick
Babayan – (Persian) Baba – Father, the sacred father
Babadjanyan – (Persian) Baba + Djan – soul, the darling
Babakhanyan – (Persian) Baba + (Turkic) Khan – ruler
Bagiryan – (Azeri) Bagir, (Arabic) Bakir – studying, comprehending, nicknamed the Shiite Imam Muhammad ibn Ali
Bagramyan – (Persian, Iran, etc.) Bahram – victorious
Bakhshiyan – (Turkic) Bakhshi – teacher, mentor
Badalyan – (Arabic) Badal – replacement, compensated
Barkhudaryan – (Azeri) Barkhudar, (Persian) Barhudar – prosperous, happy
Beglaryan – (Turkic) Beglar – prince, princes
Berberyan – (Arabic), Berber – hairdresser
Bahaduryan – (Persian) Bahadur, (Turkic) Batur – hero, athlete
Veziryan – (Azeri) Vazir – assistant, minister
Garibyan – (Persian-Arab.) Garib – stranger
Gulamyan – (Arabic) Gulam – boy, son
Davlatyan – (Persian) Davlat – happiness, wealth
Davudyan – (Arabic, Hebraic) Daud – loving, favourite
Dadayan – (Turkic) Dada – grand-dad, grandfather
Dallakyan – (Azeri) Dellek – hairdresser
Jalalyan – (Arabic) Jalal – greatness, glory
Jamalyan – (Arabic) Jamal – beauty, perfection
Janbakhishyan – (Persian) Jan – soul + (Turkic) Bakhish, Bakhshi – teacher, mentor
Janpoladyan – (Persian) Jan + (Azeri) Polad – steel
Demirchiyan – (Azeri) Damir – iron + suffix “chi” – damirchi – smith
Dostyan – (Persian) Dost, Dust – friend
Lalayan – (Persian) Lale – poppy, tulip; (Turkic, Azeri). Lele – tutor, uncle (in conjunction with their own names sign of respect), uncle
Mailyan – (Turkic) Mail – inclined, slanting, sloping.
Maksudyan – (Arabic, Persian, Turk) Magsud – desired
Melikyan – (Arabic) Malik (Persian) Melik – lord, tsar
Muradyan – (Arabic) Murad – desired
Musaelyan – (Arabic) Musa, (Hebraic) Moisey – child
Nazaryan – (Persian, Arabic) Nazar – mercy, in letters – a glance
Nalbandyan – (Azeri) Nalband – shoe a horses and other agricultural animals
Ormanyan – (Turkic) Urman, (Azeri) Orman – forest
Perikhanyan – (Persian) Peri – fairy, beauty + (Turk) Khan
Tariverdiyan – (Azeri) Tanri (God) + Verdi – the gift of god
Takhtajyan – (Turkic) Takht-Taj – throne
Tevekkulyan – (Persian) Tavakkal – hoping for god
Tumanyan – (Turkic) Tuman – numerous, in letters – ten thousand
Ulubabyan – (Turkic) Ulu – great + (Persian) Baba – Father, sacred father
The given list is not specifically continue. For even this incomplete list clearly reflects the geography of names and surnames of the Armenians.
The material is taken from “IRS – Heritage” magazine

“Fresh” stupidities of Nalbandian
From time to time all new and new ridiculous ideas expressed by officials of the supervising echelon of Armenia, are stunned contemporary human society. In view of the fact that in today’s uneasy times the political information became the basic object of attention of people, the society most of all listen to the statements and speeches of presidents, prime ministers and foreign affairs ministers. And it’s very bad when a person from a similar rank allow stupidity in his statements.
Owing to innate special of Armenian national traits, often honored us unwanted “fun” with such nonsense, and high-ranking officials of Armenia. The second man in the ratio of its absurdities after the President is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the mentioned country Edward Nalbandian. Below are some examples of “selected” nalbandianovski sayings, but at first I want to bring to the attention of readers, that until now his post, this 53-year-old head of the foreign policy department of the country- invader worked as the ambassador of Armenia in Egypt, Morocco, Oman, France, Israel, Andorra, and in April 2008, he – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the named countries.
Absurd statements of Mr. minister are remembered such as “Nagorno-Karabakh can not be under the jurisdiction of Azerbaijan, “NKR” (hereinafter referred to our quotes – G.A) must be under the control of the Armenian side to land communication with Armenia, the security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh should be guaranteed”; “Azerbaijan violates the positions of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (TCAFE)”; “Azerbaijan has waged a campaign of revenge” etc., etc. I think there is no need to comment once more widely these statements because they speak for themselves. I will concern only a few moments. First, in the world there are no “Karabakh people”, are citizens of Azerbaijan of Armenian nationality who live in the Armenian occupied Nagorno-Karabakh (NK). As for the “violation of the Azerbaijan positions in TCAFE “, it is – continuous lie. Simply Nalbandian readdresses the fact of violation of the mentioned positions from the Armenian party, permanently and illegally acquiring weapons everywhere, on the Azerbaijan.
There is a lot of “fresh” nonsense from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Armenia. For example, recently, answering questions of deputies in the parliament of the republic, he made the next nonsense: “I do not know with whom the Azerbaijan side is conducting these negotiations around these issues, but it should be noted that in Armenia and Karabakh, until these issues are not discussed yet”. Let me explain what the matter was the release of seven occupied districts around NK and returning of expelled Azerbaijanis to their homes. And this the silliest Minister wants to emphasize that, in the process of negotiations to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, these issues are not discussed, but, ostensibly, is discussed only one issue. Nalbandian serves a similar lie constantly, and he has repeated this during a speech on Nov. 5 in the Armenian parliament: “At today’s negotiations on settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict only discuss the status of “NKR””. Here the minister has added that “for the Armenian side the status and security of Nagorno-Karabakh are priority. “I use the word security in the broadest sense, meaning, and the land connection with Armenia, and several other components”, – he said. See how this duplicity high-ranking Armenian diplomat said that he had enough impudence to deceive the whole world. Even little informed man is clear that it is – a lie, otherwise Azerbaijan simply would not go on negotiations on conflict settlement.
One of the “popular” nalbandianovski stupidities is its importunate insistence on the participation of the “NKR” in the negotiation process as a party: ““NKR” should participate in negotiations, as we raise the issue at each meeting with the co-chairmen of OSCE MG”. But he knows that the question rose by him – simply absurd, this will never be, because the whole world, all international structures are known in the given conflict this two parties – Armenia and Azerbaijan.
All nalbandianovski stupid statements in one article, of course, are countless. Here we have only a few of them. I gave an example that people to know what kind of person Edward Nalbandian – the head of the foreign policy body of Armenia…

Armenians about Armenians
Robert ARAKELOV Karabakh Diary (beginning in the previous issues) OVERBAKED KEBAB
I met former Baku resident S. in one of the games stores of Stepakonert. We were almost of the same age and moreover he also was considered a grass widower as his family stayed then in Moscow. He was in fact in Moscow a month ago too waiting for exit permit to the USA. He filled in required forms long ago and handed them to the US Embassy. S. explained the reasons of his arrival to Stepanokert in the following way:
– You see, I was thinking sometimes that it did not worth to leave for so far as it would be forever. I thought I should wait through this uneasy time near to home. Perhaps everything will turn out all right. So, I decided to come here to estimate the situation from inside and check if I am right. Thankfully I have relatives here. Only here I realized that everything is stirred here up thoroughly and would take a long time. I will not be able to stand it long and get cranky as it is not a city now, it is madhouse. Do you know how people leave here? In a word, I will leave even more entry permit to the USA is high time to be ready. So, brother, I go away…
Then I met S. in the games store in two weeks again and learnt we would leave this city forever as his wife wired him the permission was ready. We both felt depressed for soon parting and decided to have supper together. The next day at seven o’clock we went to “Badara”, probably the best shashlik-jouse here. “Badara” situated out of town on the bank of the river, in the shadow of branchy trees and overgrown shrubs and also attracted people for mastery of its cooks. S. also had here a familiar waiter who could cater us quickly and properly.
Thus, we came to “Badara” and first of all found that waiter. He was at work to our great pleasure. But we seemed to come too late as all booths for two were busy. The waiter had nothing to do but to place us in a small pavilion for three tables with two of them still empty. Our waiter promised to feed us tasty and advised to order beef kebab. He also said he would put in a word for us in the kitchen so they would cook very fresh meat. We followed his advice, thanked him and asked not to forget snacks and wine. Our order was ready in about 30 minutes and we started to eat. The meat was really fresh but S. though kebab was extremely bitter.
– Never mind, – I tried to calm him down, – it is custom here to pepper beef jerky very much, so kebab is bitterish.
My reasons quieted S. a little and we continued our meal. Alas, our pleasure did not take so long. 15 minutes later three young strong men barged into a pavilion laughing boisterously and singing. They took a sit at one of empty tables.
– Everybody but not he, – said S., hardly looking at the guys.
– Who are talking about? – I asked.
– The one in a brown coat. One of the men really wore a brown coat.
– Who is she? – I was curious.
– The son of my cousin, my as if nephew. Desperate gangster and racal.
Then our waiter also entered the pavilion.
– Hey, pop, – they turned to him together, – three vodka and 10 portions of kebab. And be attentive, the meat should be cooked from our cattle.
They burst of laugher as if shook the pavilion.
The next minute S. relative saw us…
– Оh, Uncle – he cried, – we did not see each other for a long time. I am glad to greet you.
We made his way towards us and when he was almost our table; the waiter was just leaving the pavilion. But the guy did not let him to leave.
– Hey, you, – said he, – now then come here. Tell me, what meat do you treat my Uncle with?
– Don not worry,-said the waiter, – your Uncle is my friend and I am glad to serve him. This meat is very fresh; it is from your cattle.
– Good, – said the guy and the waiter left the pavilion. A young man bended forward to S. said:
– Do you want anything else?
– Thank you, everything suffices, -S. said, – tell me please why did the waiter named the cattle slaughtered in the morning and kebab meat yours?
– Why? – The guy repeated his question and whispered into his Uncle’s ear:
– Yesterday me and two of my friends stole three well-fed cows from neighbor Azerbaijan village Malibeyli and sold them to the owner of shashlik-house. He sold them at a fair price as if to a national supplier. Here is the whole secret. Well, good luck.
The guy picked his way to his friends and dreary silence fall over our table.
Then I heard S.:
– An old man told me once, that if the cattle are being for some time frightened before slaughtered, its meat will have a bitter taste. It is perhaps for the liver bile. I think, that is the main reason for kebab’s taste…
He put his plate away to the opposite side. The food also stuck in my throat. Then we finished drinking the wine with cheese and greens in silence.
(to be continued)

RUINS (beginning in the previous issues)
Yuri Pompeev, Academician of RANS, Professor of St Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts
A. Surikov in his interview repeats appraisals of June, 1990 made by famous Armenian dissident Paruyr Ayrikyan who spent 14 years in Soviet jails and then was expatriated from Armenia by president Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Ayrikyan lives in the USA and heads “International Committee on Human Rights in former USSR”. I find coincidence in appraisals not fortuitous, as both authors are obviously related to special services.
Here are some extracts from an interview with P. Ayrikyan (P.A.):
Reporter (Rep.): What are the arguments of your allegations on Moscow improper role in international relations?
P.A.: Moscow is in fact aware of pursuits to organize national governments in Azerbaijan and Armenia and that is why it strives to block any actions related to these pursuits. It should have brought these actions together in one point toward this end. Here is a hidden motive of Karabakh events. Moscow can use the situation in its own way stimulating painful sensation of the conflict having turned it into bloody one. Moreover Moscow resorts to century Armenian intimidation formulated as follows: “If you run alone in the garden, Turks will come and catch hold of you”.
Rep.: How do you imagine Turkey?
P.A.: Turkey is NATO member and is a part of free world. There were some affairs between Turks and Armenia we feel sorry for and we should not forget that the last Armenian state was swallowed by the Kremlin not Turkey. Moscow always stimulates and spurs the issue on Armenian genocide and of course impedes intimacy between Turks and Armenians in every way. As a matter of fact a lack of contacts between these nations is unnatural but we have no other way. By the way Armenian community makes 60 thousand people in Turkey and nowadays has churches, schools, lyceums, six newspapers, some magazines and publishing houses there. It should be marked that Armenian people did not even suffer in Iran during an epoch of fanatic imam Khomeini with 100000 Armenians living there. Armenians had the rights in their autonomy, they were entitled not to serve and not to take part in the war against Iraq. Churches, secondary Armenian schools, editorial offices of several Armenian newspapers are widely open. It is worth to remember that Azerbaijanis, Kurds and other outnumbered nations are deprived of it”.
Well, it is true, but we are in for special matter concerning South and North Azerbaijan, the role of Russia, Persian and Ottoman Empires in separation of one nation, province. The most striking thing is that a poetess Silva Kaputikyan, who called “for liberation of Karabakh from Turkish-Azeri rule”, in numerous mass-meetings and rejected a definition neighbors, Azerbaijanis and Armenians as century brothers in the beginning of the conflict tried to reconceive many things and exclaimed: “How can you say these words without quotation marks? Even apples and citrus disgrace and irritate dignity of the local Armenians during Muslim “Novruz Bayrami”, spring New Year. We bear these Turks-Azers since the fourth century. How long will it take?!”
The poetess was ready as she confessed to go to the towns and villages and to appeal for armed struggle also calling for border repartition and triumph of justice.
Suddenly something strange takes place. S. Kaputikyan curses ideas of a murder, regrets that “huge socialist continent disappears in front of those who populated it. People and ideas arisen in her air and culture can not stand this catastrophe”.
(to be continued)

Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Felix Tsertsvadze
Formation of myths (beginning in the previous issues)
Mr Pariyants (INL), claimed that 1,5 million Armenians became “…tragic victims during 1915 -1923”, in an article “90 years of sorrow” of April, 22-28, 2005, referring to Mr. Kris Zakyan,a head of press relations department of Eastern-American Eparchy of Armenian church. Furthermore mournful advertisements published in different newspapers and calling for the mass-meeting on April, 24, 2005 in Times-Square in New-York also claimed that “…1, 500.000 Armenians were annihilated during 1915-1923…”
Such dissents of lobbyists voluntarily or not confirm the fact that former allegations of Armenian propaganda on the death of 1, 5 millions of Armenians in 1915 are nothing but a myth. (An author relates himself to those holding the opinion that about 40 thousands Turks and other Muslims and 400 thousands Armenians and other Christians were killed in intercommunal conflicts of 1915. Moreover it should be also regarded that Turkey was at the same time involved into military operations caused by a) world war, b) civil war, c) instigation by England and Russia responsible for events of 1915 in Turkey, including mass loss of peaceful Turkish citizens regardless of nationality and religion).
This is the way how myths concerning Armenia are forming. We also displayed interest how this “mythical” theme was reflected in the main editions not only in weekly publications as INL referring to “yellow” press. Here is the result.

The first source “Soviet encyclopedia, Moscow, 1987
ARMENIA –I-III B.C.ruled by Akhemenids and Selevkids. Since Ist A.D. it became struggle object between Rome and Parfia. III-IV A.D. it was dependent from Iran, and then divided by Iran and Byzantium. VII-XV A.D. it was ruled by Arabs, Byzantium, Seljuks, Mongol-Tatars, Timur. XVI-XVIII A.D. it was divided between Iran and Turkey. In 1805-1828 Eastern Armenia joined Russia (Erivan government). Dashnaks occupied it in 1917, and then Anglo-Turkish troops invaded. Soviet power was established since 1920. Armenian SSR was formed (some selected data necessary for investigation is given here and further- Author`s comment.)
GREAT ARMENIA – ancient Armenian state (VI B.C- 387 yy. A.D.) It was divided between Persia and Byzantium in 387.
SMALL ARMENIA — a region in the upper reaches of Euphrates. It joined Great Armenia at the end of the 1st century A.D.
Mythology and simple misinformation are in blossom in this soviet encyclopedia edition. You can see it yourself: from the one hand, authors confirm that “Armenia was divided between Persia and Byzantium in 387 yy., i.e. in IV A.D”. Yet on the other hand contradict to own words: “Armenia was divided between Iran and Turkey in XVI-XVIII A.D”. It is an obvious disrespect towards the reader relied on his lack of information. Iran is an assignee of Persia; Turkey is an assignee of Byzantium on the whole small Caucasus, including Ancient Armenia, which stopped existence since XIV century, more exactly since 1375. Armenians turned into Turkish citizens, with Turkey absorbing and dissolving the last Armenian asylum in Anatolia, viz Kilikia. So, nobody divided anything in Asia Minor in XVI-XVIII centuries, as there was nothing to divide. Ancient Armenia (named as Armenia, Great Armenia, Small Armenia, Armenian Kilikia, etc in different sources) did not even exist to the moment.
“In 1805-1828 Eastern Armenia (Erivan government) joined Russia”
Here authors used incorrect and illegitimate term “Eastern Armenia” to the territory of Iravan khanate of Azerbaijan, marked by Russian Tsar Nikolay I for formation of so called “Armenian region” after the conquest of these territories. These lands were meant for future immigrants, Turkish Armenians. Armenian lobby introduced term “Eastern Armenia” for readers and researchers for a long time to create illusions on Armenian presence and legitimacy of formation of future Armenian state on native Azerbaijan territories instead of lost in Turkey. The term “Erivan government” is total misinformation. Russia could not conquer its own governments. It is nonsense. Russia conquered the territories of Azerbaijan khanates including Iravan, Iraq, vassal of Persia during the wars with Persian troops. It would be naïve to consider that Persians named their lands in Russian manner –governments.
It is not yet the end.
(to be continued)

Ravings of 85 year-old Aznavur
It is well-known that men can lose personal physical abilities and many people even go out of mind in an old age. As it is stated in a proverb, “A young becomes cleverer, an old man-stupid”. Our “hero” seems to belong to the latter group.
I am referring to Charles Aznavour (true name Shahnur Vaginak Aznavuryan), the famous French chansonnier and an actor of French race, appointed Armenian Ambassador in Switzerland and resident representative of Armenia to UN headquarters since May, 05, 2009. We will discuss the facts of his stupidity later. At first we would like to inform you on personal remarks of the French Armenian.
Aznavour was born in Armenian family in Paris in May, 22, 1924, constantly lived in Switzerland and related himself both to the French and Armenians even without knowledge on Armenia but cooperating with Armenians due to his typical Armenian national fanaticism. He was only granted Armenian citizenship last year, i.e. December, 26, 2008 according to the decree of Armenian president S. Sarkisyan. This step by Sarkisyan seems to be a prerequisite to prepare legal base for further use of 85-years-old singer in diplomatic sphere. There is so obvious staff shortage in diplomatic sphere in the country that there is a need in old non-diplomats. Aznavour`s “merits” for Armenians also played considerable role here. Armenians themselves treat Aznavour with a great respect. He is the author of a song “They fell”, devoted to the 60th anniversary of “Genocide against Armenians” as well as songs – “Autobiography”, “Jan” and “Tender Armenia”. He played one of the main roles in the film “Ararat” by Atom Agoyan devoted to “genocide against Armenians”. Charles established charity association “Aznavour for Armenia” after an earthquake in Armenia and organized several actions on assistance to the injured. There were rumors abroad that armament and ammunition allotted for coming Armenian-Azerbaijan war made considerable part of his humanitarian assistance. It is clear that he would not be given top State award as National Hero of Armenia (2004) as well as the Order of Merit for the Fatherland just because of any humanitarian aid. A place in Yerevan, Art Center in Khankendi (Stepanokert) are named after him in his lifetime, a monument is erected in Armenian town Gumri. Let it be. That is not the point.
The point is that an old diplomat C. Aznavour expressed his satisfaction on Armenian-Turkish protocols signed in Zurich on October, 10 and then started to lay territorial claims to Turkey in his latest interview to Italian TV Company RAI 3: “In 1924 when I was born, they promised to return territories to Armenians, yet it did not happen… I can not wait for 85 years more. In 1924 Stalin promised to return Erzrum, Erznkan, Agri, Sivas (Sebastia), Elazig (Kharbad), Diyarbekir (Tigranakert), Bitlis, Siirt, Mush, Van and Khakkari to Armenians. According to Sevr agreement “Vilson`s Armenia” would include Trabzon, Erzrum, Van and Bitlis”. You see, one should return half of Turkish and Azerbaijan, Georgian, Russian territories to Armenia for Mr. Aznavour to go to long rest in peace.
There are no official documents confirming Stalin`s promises to Armenians. And it is not known where did this French Armenian find this anecdote? If to suppose it really took place in history, it does not give any grounds to a more or less reasonable diplomat to lay so stupid claims. At first, just spoken words by Stalin, Lenin, Roosevelt and any other historical leaders are not laws and rules. Second, even official documents, acts, decrees of that period were dozens and hundreds of times reviewed, altered and cancelled and lost their legal effect. Third, how can it turn out that Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russia are “territorial debtors” for Armenia? USA, France, Syria and other countries can joint the list in future.
Mr Aznavour seems not to know everything or to hide part of info concerning Sevr agreement. By the way, Ara Papyan, former Armenian Ambassador to Canada, the head of social science researches center “Modus Vivendi” also driveled claiming that border issues on the south Caucasus including Armenian-Turkish border should be settled according to the international law by means of arbitrament of US president Vudro Wilson and principles proposed by the League of Nations on February, 24, 1920.
I want to note that the related agreement was signed on August 10, 1920. Yet it did not go into effect not only by de facto, but also de jure. The matter is that Aleksandr Khatisyan, Foreign Minister of Dashnak Armenia independent for that time (signed Sevr agreement just 4 months ago) signed Alexandropoulos peace treaty with General Kazim Karabekirov in Gumri, in December 2-3, 1920 after defeat of Dashnak Armenia in Armenian-Turkish war of 1920. According to the 10th article of the treaty Armenia officially repudiates Sevr agreement. Later in October 13, 1921 Soviet Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia from the one part and Turkey from the other signed an agreement, which repealed all previously signed agreements with Russia participating. Then in July 24, 1923 the USA signed Lausanne Peace Treaty with Turkish Republic also repealing all terms of Sevr agreement.
Thus, Charles Aznavour should not bother, it is most likely he would not wait for 85 years, he would not wait for transfer of Turkish and Azerbaijan and other territories to Armenia at all.

Does Armenia repudiate from its separatist creation?!
Mass media reported that Armenian government made a negative conclusion regarding a bill drafted by Parliamentary fraction “Heritage” at the party meeting on November, 12, this year.
The question concerns a bill draft “On acknowledgement of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic” prepared by oppositional party “Heritage” for Ovik Abramyan, a speaker of National Assembly of Armenia on October, 15. It should be noted that it is not the first but a regular attempt to introduce this bill into the parliament. In August, 28, 2007 Raffi Ovannisyan, one of the deputies of party fraction produced a bill on acknowledgement of “NKR” where it is stated in black and white: “Armenian Republic acknowledges Nagorno-Karabakh republic” (here and further quotation marks by– G.Z.) At the same time party members hoped that “parliament would show prudence and approve the bill” against all the odds. But the issue was removed from agenda in April, 2008. Later it was not even put on parliament agenda. In September, 2, on the day of “18th years anniversary of declaration of independence on Nagorno Karabakh (NK) the party said it acknowledged “NKR” independence and called political and public Armenian organizations and Diaspora to follow them and to initiate the process on international acknowledgement of “Nagorno Karabakh Republic”.
Thus, governmental attitude towards the issue became clear in a month after introduction of above-mentioned bill. Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Shavarsh Kocharyan said on behalf of executive power of republic that implementation of that law was not expedient at the given stage. President of the country Serj Sarkisyan said earlier that “realization of human rights on self-determination by separation would take definite time that will at the end lead to the consent for self-determination of all parties interested as in the case of USSR and Czechoslovakia collapse”. All these things take place together with intentions of Armenian authorities on “NKR” acknowledgement being very serious and old. Let us remember, that former president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan said in April, 4, 2008, five days before the end of his mission on presidential post: “Armenia is most likely to acknowledge independence of Nagorno-Karabakh republic in the next future”.
Why is Armenia making a mess on interethnic conflict in order to join integral part of Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh, repudiating from it now? It would be native to suppose that Armenia repented of kindling of inter-republican conflict, which is now insoluble and renounced from NK. Of course, not. It had to take such steps for some objective reasons. Moreover, if to consider all the facts and analyze the situation one can conclude that all these things are skilful disguise of the real negative plans of Armenian leadership to create after all mythical “Great Armenia” appropriating territories of neighboring states. What are still the main reasons of Armenian repudiation from its temporary separatist creation?
One of the reasons is the fact that “no world country acknowledged “NKR” in spite of Armenian agitational propaganda mechanism thrusting false interpretation of causes of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and its consequences on the world community.
The second ground for non-acknowledgement of “NKR” by Armenia is the following fact. Obvious US pressing towards indecent Armenian leadership has been recently felt with the USA being one of influential masters of word in the settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict. One of the examples is that US Department of State declared “NKR” a “separatist regime” and included its data into the report on Azerbaijan in the annual report on observance of freedom of conscience in the world. Another example is statements that Nagorno Karabakh territory of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia is at present out of control, it is used for drugs growth and transportation as well as favorable space for terrorism. International cooperation is required for global struggle with such situation. It causes Turkish government to make demands to the USA to contribute to the fast and fair settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict and forces the USA to review the case more serious. Armenian authorities also no doubt realize it.
Another reason is the fact that the negotiations process on settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict is under way at present, OSCE Minsk Group is working though to no effect, and there are leading powers, international organizations Armenia has to consider too. It no doubt realizes that the decision on acknowledgement of “NKR” will run counter to the position of international organizations, OSCE Minsk Group, world states which recognize Azerbaijan territorial integrity and negatively take such decision by Armenia.
At the same time it should be marked that non-acknowledgement of “NKR” by Armenia serves only as a screen. Actually it acknowledged “NKR” officially for a long time. Supreme Soviet of Armenian SSR made decision to join Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia still in June, 1988. How is the situation at present? Is the fact of almost all Armenian ruling class being separatist Karabakh clan not considerable?
Nevertheless, Armenia is right when repudiates from its separatist creation, or it had anyway to cancel this decision later.

Azerbaijan against war
Yet positions of “experts in international relations”, leading world nations and Armenia forces it to this way
More than 17 years passed since the beginning of Armenian occupation against Azerbaijan. So-called “negotiation process on settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict” with OSCE Minsk Group (MG) involvement began approximately since that time, i.e. 1992.
It is not so difficult to demonstrate activity results of this and other international structure as it is apparently seen with the naked eye. The 5th part of Azerbaijan territories captured by armed Armenian units is still occupied. Azerbaijan suffered great moral and financial losses as a result of compulsory war. It lost more than 20 thousands sons and daughters; about 900 settlements along with infrastructure were dest