Stabilization impossible without settlement of protracted conflicts, says Azerbaijani FM

The revised European Neighborhood Policy has put forward the stabilization as the most urgent challenge in many parts of the European Neighborhood, said Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov.

He made the remarks addressing the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Eastern Partnership countries in Brussels May 23.
Mammadyarov noted that true stabilization in the proper sense of this word is unimaginable without addressing pressing security challenges, that is, without the settlement of protracted military conflicts which threaten the stability and cooperation in the Eastern Partnership geography.
Multiculturalism and diversity should be promoted widely in order to overcome growing threats as radicalization, extremism and terrorism, according to Azerbaijan’s FM.
“Azerbaijan with its vibrant multicultural society is ready to share its experience in this regard. Meanwhile, we regard EU Strategy of Culture in its external action instrumental in identifying the modalities of our practical engagement in this field,” he added.