GUAM Secretary-General: Protracted conflicts will remain organization’s priority in 2010, too

“Program of Ukraine’s presidency for this year and schedule of related activities will be approved at the next GUAM Council of Foreing Ministers,” GUAM Secretary General Valeri Chechelashvili said.
“GUAM plans for 2010 will be unveiled at the next GUAM Council of Foreign Ministers to be held in Kiev in last decade of February due to presidential elections in Ukraine. The next meeting of GUAM national coordinators will be held before the meeting of foreign ministers,” he said.

“As for my expectations from Ukraine presidency’s in the organization this year, I think that all the working bodies of GUAM, which includes the organization’s working groups and steering committee to facilitate transport and trade and the project on a free trade zone, a project to promote a unified tourist product of GUAM in the European market, Japanese market and a single telecommunication area, a project of which is being developed by academics from four countries will develop this year,” the GUAM Secretary General said.

“Protracted conflicts in the GUAM have always been among priority issues of the organization, and this year is no exception. This will be so till conflicts are resolved in accordance with all rules and principles of international law”, Chechelashvili said.

“We will continue a very active cooperation in this sphere, both among ourselves and on the platforms of international organizations such as OSCE and the UN General Assembly in order to continue to mobilize international opinion in support of our very clear, transparent and clear position, which is based on generally accepted principles and norms of international law,” he added.