If Armenia has good intentions, let it start with its withdrawal from the regions surrounding Nagorno Karabakh

“The process of normalization between Turkey and Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh conflict are relating to each other. These processes are connected with each other behind the scene despite they appear conducted separately”, Russian Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told journalist on board of plane on his way from Russia, APA reports quoting Hurriyyet newspaper.

He reminded that the Turkey-Armenia borders were closed because of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict: “Let the problem between Azerbaijan and Armenia be solved and occupation of Karabakh be ended, then the Turkey-Armenia problem will find its solution. If Armenia has good intentions, let it start with its withdrawal from the regions surrounding Nagorno Karabakh. If it will leave those regions, there will be positive processes”.

Erdogan said: “It is clear what actions will Turkey take. We assumed risks and allowed flights to Armenia, opened Yerevan-Istanbul flights. We opened air borders, but it differs from the opening of ground borders”.

Erdogan said he discussed this issue with Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin: “Russia is the most influential member of the Minsk Group troika for Armenia. If Russia is careless, it will be difficult to achieve results”.