America wanted to get my support for the protocols signed with Armenia

“The high-level U.S. delegation had come to me before the protocols were signed with Armenia.

They wanted to get my support fort he protocols and said after that Armenia would gradually approach the West. I told them that they would not be able to draw away Armenia from Russia, it was and would be impossible. I mentioned that there were Russian tanks in Armenia. I advised them to take interest in Azerbaijan in stead of it, because Azerbaijan is closer to the West and its economy is stronger. The Americans failed to persuade me, but could persuade the government,” leader of the Turkish opposition, chairman of the Republic People’s Party (CHP) Deniz Baykal said in his interview to the Aksam newspaper. He once underlined that the protocols signed with Armenia were wrong.
“I had known it from the very outset and warned the government. But they did not listen to me. After the recent step of Armenia the government calmed down and gained the opportunity to escape. I ask you: What has this step given to Turkey? Nothing. We hurt Azerbaijan for nothing,” he said.