Euronews removes biased video report on Nagorno-Karabakh from its Web site

European TV giant Euronews has removed the scandalous video report on Nagorno-Karabakh from its Web site following strong protests from Azerbaijan.
Earlier, the TV channel Web site had a video report prepared by the Euronews staff after a trip to Azerbaijan’s occupied lands.

The highly biased report distorted history of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Authors of the report ignored a fair view of the Azerbaijani side in it. They did not bother to learn opinion of each of the parties to the conflict. The report included comments of only Armenian side.

Such an unprofessional approach to the work caused well-founded discontent in Azerbaijan. Press Service of the Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry sent a letter of protest to Euronews to protest the unilateral and biased story.

Members of Azerbaijani public also voiced their dissatisfaction with the channel’s policy.

As a result, the TV channel seems to acknowledge its mistake and agree with the public in Azerbaijan removing video story about the Nagorno-Karabakh from its Web site:
