The occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani lands and turning the people into refugees is a form of isolation

“I address the Armenian Diaspora: We want to establish good relations with all Armenians.

You need to leave unilateral historic propaganda. I also know what my forefathers experienced. I know what painful was for those who were expelled from their homelands in Balkans and the Caucasus”, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told foreign journalists at a press conference in Ankara, APA reports. Davutoglu said Turkey was against any isolation and embargo in the region. “I would like remind that we made series of political steps toward lifting these isolations. But Armenia also pursues isolation policy occupying the Azerbaijani lands and expelling Azerbaijanis from their homelands. The occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani lands and turning the people into refugees is also a form of isolation. Those people cannot return home and we would like to solve this situation”.