Turkish parliamentarians dispute over protocols signed with Armenia

Members of the Turkish Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs disputed over the protocols signed with Armenia.

Members of the Commission from the Republican People Party (CHP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) reminded about the decision of Armenian Constitutional Court and demanded to withdraw the protocols from the parliament’s agenda, APA reports quoting the Turkish newspaper “Vatan”. CHP members said the decision of Armenian Constitutional Court showed that how fair was the protest of Turkish opposition against the protocols. “But the Prime Minister’s statement in Saudi Arabia hinted that he is still in expectation. Turkey must show concrete and strong position against the Armenia’s decision. The Commission should send the protocols back to the government”. MHP members also demanded to send back the protocols and called on the government to apologize to the people.

Members of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) called on the Commission to be more patient regarding this issue. “The hastiness can be harmful. We must be patient. Turkey’s fair case will be proved soon as it was in the case of Annan plan. All over the world will see that Armenia doesn’t want to solve the problems”.

Chairman of the Commission for Foreign Affairs Murat Mercan said the decision of the Armenian Constitutional Court was contrary to the text and mind of the protocols. “This decision delayed the process. But we should not to rush. Let’s learn opinion of the lawyers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at first and then discuss and pass the decision. There is no difference between sending protocols back to the government and keeping them in the commission. The government can take the protocols back if it wishes that”.

According to the decision of the Armenian Constitutional Court, the protocols can not be commented in contrary to the preamble of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which contains territorial claims against Turkey and calls eastern provinces of Turkey as “Western Armenia”. At the same time, the declaration urges the Armenian state to achieve international recognition of false and fabricated “Armenian genocide”.