State commission extends struggle in informing the world on unprecedented crimes made by Armenians against Azerbaijanis

State commission extends struggle in informing the world on unprecedented crimes made by Armenians against AzerbaijanisAccording to the recommendation of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on permanent attack in information struggle in connection with the problem of Nagorno Karabakh, the state structures strengthen propaganda activities aimed at forming objective international public opinion, informing the peoples of world on tragedies, Azerbaijan faced as a result of the policy of annexation and ethnic cleanings pursued by the Republic of Armenia. Now, information struggle against the enemy is carried out in more expedient and systematic form, in coordination with the corresponding structures, to bring to the notice of the international public of the Azerbaijan realities.
The State Commission on POW, Hostages and Missing Persons finds out the compatriots from among prisoners of war and hostages and also prints books and brochures, prepares documentary video and photographic materials about the unprecedented crimes made by Armenians against Azerbaijanis, the Armenian-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and history of the problem, the facts of the policy of deportations carried out against Azerbaijanis periodically, about the tortures to which were subjected Azerbaijanis by the Armenian terrorists being in captivity. The Commission also organises their distribution in various languages in many countries of the world.
Wishing to inform the world about the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, about the plight of more than one million Azerbaijanis who became refugees and IDPs, the acts of terrorism made by Armenians and in connection with 18th anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy which is a crime against humanity, in the frame of Justice for Khojaly campaign, the State Commission together with embassies of Azerbaijan in Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates has carried out in these countries a series of actions.
Participants of actions were presented documentary films, books, pictures and other materials narrating on the Khojaly tragedy and consequences of the Armenian terrorism.
