To the memory of our dear friend

We have lost one more dear friend, companion, father, a real man and a famous journalist. 49-year-old Mammad Nazimoglu, suffering from serious illness, took a gloomy view of worldly affairs and forever passed away from the world …
M.Nazimoglu was born in 1959 in Agdash region of Azerbaijan. He graduated from the Baku State University, journalism faculty, in 1983. He was one of the creators of “Aydinliq” (Clarity) newspaper. He worked as a deputy chief editor of “Khalg” (People), and chief editor of “Ulus” newspapers, as well as contributed to “Avropa” (Europe), “Yeni Musavat” (New Musavat), “Azadlig” (Freedom), “Gun seher” (Day morning), “Sharg” (East) and “525 gazet” (525th) newspapers. He was one of the authors of “Gulp” (Handle) telecast of ANS TV channel. Until his death, he worked as the executive director of Free Speech Foundation of Azerbaijan.
Memory of our dear friend, companion, good journalist and the real man, Mammad Nazimoglu, will forever live in the hearts of his relatives and friends.
May God rest his soul!
The collective of Public Association for “Protection of Rights of Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan” grieve for the death of M.Nazimoglu and condole with his family and friends.